The difference between the two empires was that the Ottomans were not tolerant towards other religions but the Mughals were accepting. DIFFERENCE (MUGHALS): 1) Were tolerant towards other religions in their empire. 2) Mainly run by Muslims but allowed Hindus to have government and military positions.
the 1750s saw the decline of the Mughal Empire and the emergence of Successor States. ... The Mughal rulers who came to power after the death of Aurangzeb (1707), are known as the later Mughals. Later Mughals were weak and couldn't hold the vast Mughal empire together
Unlike their predecessors, the Mughals created a huge empire and accomplished what had hitherto seemed possible for only short periods. From the latter half of the 16th century, they expanded their kingdom from Agra and Delhi until in the 17th century they controlled nearly all the subcontinent.