
Unit Activity

Unit: Preproduction

This activity will help you meet these educational goals:
⦁ Content Knowledge—You will learn about the different elements of video making.
⦁ Inquiry—You will perform an investigation in which you will collect information, make observations, and communicate your results in written form.
⦁ 21st Century Skills—You will employ online tools for research and analysis and validate information.

Every crewmember on a shoot has an important role to play. Each member is assigned a specific task. If a director is concerned with the creative aspect of the project, then the sound technician is responsible for the technical aspects of the project. Through this activity, you will learn more about the activities that crewmembers at a shoot perform. You will also learn about the various types of sound formats and the difference between them.

Directions and Analysis
Task 1: World of Cinema
Visit a shoot location for any video or film and observe the ongoing activities. Based on your observation, answer the following questions. If you’re unable to visit an actual shoot location, you can perform online or offline resources to answer the questions below.

⦁ What was the approximate size of the crew on the shoot? (Alternatively, what is the average crew size on a film shoot?)
⦁ What is the role of the director?
⦁ What is the role of a cameraman or cinematographer?
⦁ What is the role of the light technicians and assistants?
⦁ What does the makeup man do?
⦁ Was there a stylist on the shoot? What did he or she do?

Type your response here:

Task 2: Comparing Various Music Mediums
Perform online or offline research and find out that among an LP record, audio cassette, music CD, mp3 player, and an iPod, which medium offers the best music format. Which format do you personally prefer? Describe why.
Type your response here:

Task 3: Sound Enhancement
Visit a sound recording studio or perform online research on sound recording and answer the questions below.
⦁ What is the importance of microphones and their placement in recording audio?
⦁ What are some ways to improve the recording quality of location sound?
⦁ Did you notice any other technique that the sound technician was using in the studio to enhance the audio? Describe the technique.
⦁ If you performed online research, describe the various techniques that sound technicians use to enhance audio.
Type your response here:
