Respuesta :


3333333 (remainder 8)


We provide you with the result of the division 320 by 24 straightaway:

320 divided by 24 = 13.3

The result of 320/24 is a non-terminating, repeating decimal.

The repeating pattern above, 3, is called repetend, and denoted overlined with a vinculum.

This notation in parentheses is also common: 320/24 = 13.(3): However, in daily use it’s likely you come across the reptend indicated as ellipsis: 320 / 24 = 13.3… .

320 divided by 24 in decimal = 13.3

320 divided by 24 in fraction = 320/24

320 divided by 24 in percentage = 1333.33333333%

Note that you may use our state-of-the-art calculator above to obtain the quotient of any two integers or decimals, including 320 and 24, of course.

Repetends, if any, are denoted in ().

The conversion is done automatically once the nominator, e.g. 320, and the denominator, e.g. 24, have been inserted.

Give it a try now with a similar division by 24.

me is the big text guy! lol!