Part A At many mills, employees had to follow the rules laid out in the employee handbook. Eollowing is an excerpt from the handbook for one factory in Lowell , dated 1848. It describes the rules for living in the dompany's boardinghouse for workers. Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows: The doors must be closed at ten o'clock in the evening and no person admitted after that time, without some reasonable excuse. The buildings, and yards about them, must be kept clean and in good order; and if they are injured, otherwise than from ordinary use, all necessary repairs will be made, and charged to the occupant. The sidewalks, also, in front of the houses, must be kept clean, and free from snow, which must be removed from them immediately after it has ceased falling if neglected, it will be removed by the company at the expense of the tenant. John Avery, Agent In two to three sentences, describe some of the rules that workers at the Lowell mills had to follow.