Evaluate the study by Baron-Cohen et al. (eyes test) in terms of two 10 strengths and two weaknesses. At least one of your evaluation points
must be about generalisations.

Respuesta :

The Baron-Cohen et al Eye Test is a study in psychology that makes claims about being able to read the mind by observing or studying the eyes of the subject.

Two Strengths of the Baron-Cohen Test

  • Reliability: The study was deemed very reliable due to the fact that there was a very high number of controls. The emotions and the images of the individuals that were used were evaluated by independent judges
  • Control: In all the experiments, all the participants were tested using the same method.

Two Weaknesses of the Baron-Cohen Test

  • All the stimuli that were observed were static. This is at variance with real-life scenarios. The human eyes and or emotions are never static.
  • Generalization: The summary of their finding indicated that, although the experiments helped to identify various complex mental conditions or states and emotions, it was not possible to generalize results until more methods were used alongside the Mind-reading technique.

See the link below for more about Reading the Mind:


Universidad de Mexico