
Complete the sentences with an article if necessary. (a, an, the, /)
1. Do you have ____ bigger room in ____ hotel? In fact, I'd like ____ biggest room you have available. How much would that cost ____ night?
2. Susan is ____ only English teacher at this school.
3. I can’t eat ____ sandwiches now, I’m in ____ hurry.
4. Have you ever played ____ golf?
5. What ____ great price for such ____ lovely shoes! (*price- cena)
6. We saw ____ beautiful little towns near ____ Lake Como.
7. I own ____ old guitar, but I can’t play it. I play ____ drums.
8. ____ clean air should be ____ universal "human right".
9. Cheryl thinks ____ cats make ____ best pets, but I think ____ dogs have more personality.
10. ____ life in ____ United States was difficult. He worked as ____ taxi driver and didn’t have ____ day off. (*day off- slobodan dan)
11. We took ____ train to ____ south of Italy.
12. Did you see ____ camel when you went to ____ Sahara?
13. ____ Robinsons are very rich and they like giving money to ____ poor. 14. There is ____ hospital opposite ____ apartment where I live.
15. I really loved ____ Christmas when I was a kid. My favourite part was getting up in ____ morning and finding all ____ gifts from Santa under ____ tree.