A father kicks out his seventeen year old son a week before his eighteenth birthday, the school is notified, nothing is done and the now eighteen year old lives with his grandmother in the father's backyard. Then the father beats his fifteen year old son and kicks him out, now the fifteen year old lives with his mother. The eighteen year old feels morally responsible to report the event, and has proof, but the fifteen year old asked him not to report it, and if the eighteen year old does report it he'll go through the court proceedings alone and can't afford an attorney, what should he do? and what would happen to the father?

Respuesta :

Answer: he should tell the judge that he kicked  me out one week before i turned  18 and he also kicked my 15 year old his way younger  than me and he still kicked him out and we both live with our grandma now.



Explanation:Long time no talk if you dont remember me probably because I got kicked out of my other account. Its been a long time since you've asked a question and I just want to wish you luck in life. Life hits hard at times. I am the guy who told you about the invokin the fith and stuff like that.
