Change color of font, answer questions

The stem “gest” means what? (1)

Which of the following is a function of the digestive system? (1)

Gives the body its shape

A. It breaks down food so the body can use it

B. It produces new offspring

C. It provides oxygen to the body

Which statement about the esophagus is true? (1)

A. It breaks food down mechanically.

B. It moves food using muscle contractions.

C. It moves food from the stomach to the intestines.

D. It moves air down to the lungs.

What are the 2 ways food is digested? (2)

Which is NOT true about the stomach? (1)

A. It turns food into chyme.

B. Food enters the digestive system here.

C.It breaks down food physically with muscle contractions.

D. It uses acids to break food down chemically.

What is the main function of the small intestine? (1)

A. It prepares food to exit the body.

B. It is where food enters the digestive system.

C. It kills bacteria.

D. It absorbs nutrients from food.

Which organ is not functioning properly if an individual is unable to reabsorb liquid into the digestive system? (1)

What organ makes bile? (1)

Which statement about digestion is true? (1)

A. Chemical digestion mashes up food; mechanical digestion breaks it up with enzymes.

B. Saliva digests food mechanically; teeth digest it chemically.

C. Enzymes digest food chemically; teeth digest food mechanically

D. Mechanical digestion and chemical digestion occur in the large intestine.

What are the structures in the small intestine used to absorb nutrients? (1)

The muscles used to push the food down the esophagus, this process is called what? (1)

Which is a function of the large intestine? (1)

A. It breaks down food chemically

B. It absorbs nutrients from food and puts them into the bloodstream

C. It absorbs extra liquid from food your body could not digest

D. It takes nutrients to all the cells of your body

What is the type of digestion that uses the physical breaking down of food by chewing and churning? (1)

What is “MESSILI?” (5)

Where do the absorbed nutrients from the small intestine go? (1)

Which of the following is NOT a function of the mouth? (1)

A. It breaks down food chemically.

B. It is where food enters the digestive system.

C. It breaks down food mechanically.

D. It moves food to the large intestine.

What happens if the large intestine cannot absorb the water? (1)

Animals eat to get what? (1)

Both mechanical and chemical digestion begin in the _____________. (1)

What does the stem “di-“ mean? (1)

Respuesta :


Here's a file for some of your Q's & A's


Hope it helps you...

1. to wage," "to bear," or "to carry," among other things.
2. A. It breaks down food so the body can use it
3.B.I moved food using muscle contractions
4. Chemical and mechanical digestion.
5.B. food enters the digestive system from here absorbs nutrients from food
7. Small intestine
8. Liver
9.C Enzymes digest food chemically;teeth digest food mechanically
10.duodenum, jejunum,ileum
11. Peristalsis
12. C. It absorbs extra liquid from food your body could not digest.
13.Mechanical Digestion
14. ?
15.D. It moves food to the large intestine
16. It becomes diarrhea
17. Energy
18.oral cavity
20. “two,” “twice,” or “double.”

Sorry I couldn’t change the color of the font and I don’t really know what MESSILI is. Hope this helps.