The relationship between the Big Mav and Lesha in the novel "The Hate U Give" takes place in line with BigMav's values to the philosophy of black power, which Starr inspires. Although BigMav fights for black liberation, he fears that this liberation will put his family in danger.
On the other hand, the relationship between Lesha and the King is an abusive relationship and shows the reader that the King treats women in a domineering and violent way.
Written in 2017 by Angie Thomas, this novel has the young black woman Starr as its protagonist, who witnesses a white police officer shoot and kill her childhood friend, becoming national news by talking openly about what happened and this generates social tensions that lead to no indictment of the politician for the crime.
Therefore, the story addresses current issues of society, and makes the reader reflect on issues such as structural racism, which generates violence and discrimination against the black population.
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