
Independent variable:
Dependent variable:
Control group:
Experimental group:

Jacques noticed his tank mates were not as clean as they used to be. Peach told him that he should try using Clean-O soap, a new brand from Whale-Mart. Jacques cleaned one tank mate in plain water and another with water and Clean-O soap. After washing both tank mates a total of 3 times, the tank mate washed in Clean-O did not appear to be any cleaner than the the mate washed in plain water.

Respuesta :

Answer: Question: Will Clean-O soap make a difference in the cleanliness of his tank mates?

Hypothesis: If Jacques cleans his tank mates with Clean-O soap, then they will be cleaner than if he only used water.

Independent variable: Clean-O soap

Dependent variable: Cleanliness of the tank mates

Control group: Tank mate only washed with water

Experimental group: Tank mate washed with Clean-O soap