Based on the assumptions made about the type of car, the distance Honda Insight with EPA gas mileage rating of 57mi/gal will travel on 355 mL of gasoline is 8.6 km
The distance a car will travel on gasoline will depend on mileage rating of the car.
The units are converted to convert Km/mL as follows:
57 mi/gal = 57 × 1.609344 km/3785.411 mL
57 mi/gal = 0.0242 km/mL
Distance travelled on 355 mL = 0.0242 × 355
Distance travelled = 8.59 km
Therefore, the distance Honda Insight with EPA gas mileage rating of 57mi/gal will travel on 355 mL of gasoline is 8.6 km
Learn more about distance and car mileage at: