1. Critics of the pardon suspected that Nixon and Ford had negotiated a secret deal prior to Nixon’s resignation. Based upon what you know, what do you think the deal involved?
2. What does Ford mean by our long national nightmare? What three words would you use to describe the tone of these remarks?
3. Ford offers three justifications for granting the pardon to Nixon. List each of them below. Underline them in the text above.
4. Above are the election results for the presidential election of 1976. How did the pardon impact the outcome of the election? Why do you think this was the case?
5. Examine the political cartoon above. It was created in 2006 following the death of President Ford. What is the message of the cartoon as it relates to Ford’s legacy?
6. What are your thoughts? Was granting the pardon the right thing to do or do you feel Fords actions were unacceptable? Explain.