Respuesta :


Corruption is one of the most serious and dangerous social threats that directly affects the country's stability, security, and democratic, political, economic and social system.


The consequences of corruption lead to a decline in moral values, to loss of confidence in public institutions, to threatening the proper functioning of the market economy and democratic institutions, to deepening of social inequalities and to violation of the principle of equal opportunities.


Corruption occurs in a variety of historical and cultural contexts, in all types of state arrangements, including consolidated economies and advanced democracies. It can be stated that since time immemorial, there has been a tendency in human society to spoil good manners at the cost of utilitarianism by actions that we now call corrupt. Corruption does not respect borders, does not distinguish any nationality, its harmful impact on society is a global problem that needs to be addressed at national, as well as international community level.

Corruption is a socially negative phenomenon characterized by a deviation from the value-oriented and norm-adjusted way of promoting the interests and needs of society. In the international environment, various interpretations of the term corruption are used, reflecting the preference of the private interest over the public interest.

Individual characteristics of corruption show that corruption phenomena are not isolated, they relate the development and modernization of society and have to be considered in the context of historical, cultural and social realities of transnational communities, particular states, ethnic or national communities, as well as in relation to tradition, public opinion, criminality and the like. The definition of corruption, therefore, has to be based on its specific manifestation, which is determined by the conditions for the implementation of corruption in various spheres of societal activities.