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Too much interference by other countries:

INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT- The overseas countries with a strong manufacturing / industrial base would prefer to keep you as a commodity provider and buyer of their finished goods only .eg. If you are buying USD$Billions worth of arms and ammunition from overseas countries, it is not in their interest that you develop a strong/independent defense manufacturing capability. They achieve this by further corrupting decision makers and rulers in strict violation of their own Anti - Corruption laws. Writer Dr. Shashi Tharoor’s essay “Inglorious Empire” delves into these aspects somewhat in India’s context.

RELIGIO-POLITICAL - A more detailed examination in the context of India by Arvind Kumar - Global Economic Theories - A Ploy To Loot India | Arvind Kumar | History Of Economic Systems

ECONOMIC & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT - By fomenting discord using funds channelled via Religious, social or NGO’s to those who will push the respective agendas of overseas countries. Writer John Perkins writes and speaks about this extensively in “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” . New Confessions of an Economic Hitman

GLOBAL CONSPIRACY THEORIES - Some of the far out /wilder allegations are from British writers such as David Icke about various secret societies, apparently with disproportionate control over human destiny. David Icke Reveals Who Controls the World!

DEFINITION OF “DEVELOPMENT” MAY BE DIFFERENT - Despite the existence of metrics like the HDI by globalist agenda organisations/NGO’s. The environmental collapse of the world and non-human species of plants and animals proves that the HDI is “insufficient” for the world. Therefore a country like Bhutan decided that their main metric for “development” was not to create concrete and glass soul-less cities, destruction of families such that most people over 40 live alone with a dog or cat for company and a dog-eat-dog society mainly focused on GDP. They choose GHI (Gross Happiness Index), clean air, forests and food uncontaminated by chemicals. Who is to say that their choices are worse than so called “developed” countries??


Nepal is quite rich in mineral resources. Mineral deposits such as gold, mica, limestone, iron ore, copper are found in different parts of Nepal. Because of financial constraint and lack of technical and skilled manpower, progress in the field of mining is negligible. 17.4 percent of Nepalis are multidimensionally poor – just under five million persons, and the MPI is 0.074. Considering the indicator weights, years of schooling and nutritional deprivations contribute most to ongoing multidimensional poverty in Nepal. This is because of Corruption is another problem that has crippled the economy of Nepal. Nepal has been ranked as the third most corrupt country in South Asia. Lack of dependable data, extreme nepotism, and manipulation, in-transparent forms of work, and continued abuse of authority is another reason why Nepal is a poor country.
