
1) The characters in Hellenistic sculpture are usually portrayed in moments of anxiety or tension, and it is noted for its high quality and variety.

The “Lacoon Group” is not Hellenistic because of the emotional intensity portrayed on the faces of the characters.

What was Byzantine art primarily concerned with?
A) Religious themes; more specifically, it was concerned with the translation of Church theology into artistic themes.
B) Nature
C) Greek Gods
D) Romance

Byzantine artists painted according to their artistic whims.

What are mosaics?
A) A picture made from steel.
B) A mosaic is a picture made out of tiny pieces of tile, set together by mortar.
C) A tool used to create a painting.
D) A type of canvas.

“Emperor Justinian and Attendants,” or “Alexander the Great,” are examples of a mosaic in this unit.

Why was the Lacoon group slain by serpents?
A) Achilles did not want to listen and killed them.
B) They were going against Hector
C) They tried to warn the Greeks against opening the Trojan horse, and no one believed them.
D) Zeus was responsible.

The Lacoon Group sculpture became an inspiration to Baroque artists and Michelangelo.

What does the mosaic, “Alexander the Great” show?
A) Alexander eating lunch.
B) Alexander surrendering.
C) Alexander getting onto his horse and fleeing away.
D) It shows Alexander riding into battle against the Persian King, Darius III.

Who was Alexander the Great?
A) A magician
B) He conquered the Persian Empire. Even though he had a short life, he transformed Greece.
C) A Greek warrior.
D) He was a mystery man that no one really knew.

What part of the “Venus de Milo” is classical in style?
A) The frantic look.
B) The athletic build.
C) The aggressive stance.
D) The calm expression on the face.

The original Farnese Hercules is in the Louvre, France.

What is Hercules leaning on in the sculpture “The Farnese Hercules?”
A) His throne.
B) He isn't leaning on anything.
C) He is resting on his club and lion skin.
D) His horse.

Romulus and Remus are said to be the two founders of Rome, abandoned at childbirth and raised by a she-wolf.

The sculptures of Romulus and Remus, suckling from the she-wolf, were added after the original she-wolf was made.

More than ______ portrait sculptures of the Emperor Augustus survive today.
A) 200
B) 300
C) 1000
D) 500

On “The Augustus of Prima Porta,” what is the breastplate decorated with?
A) It is not decorated.
B) Nature symbols.
C) Military achievements.
D) Family heritage.

The Celts were a loose association of tribes, first recorded by classical authors in the 6th century B.C.

What is the horned serpent a symbol of in Celtic myth?
A) Zeus
B) The Heavens
C) The clover
D) The underworld.

Illuminated manuscripts were manuscripts that were lavishly decorated with borders, miniature illustrations, and beautiful calligraphy. Sometimes they used a gold paint that shone when it was dry, thus the term "illuminated."

Why does emperor Justinian in the mosaic “Emperor Justinian and Attendants” have a halo?
A) He is an angel.
B) He is shown with a halo, because the artist is expressing the theocratic nature of the Emperor’s role. He is God’s representative on Earth.
C) It is part of his costume.
D) He wants to show his gratitude of God.

Respuesta :

1. True

2. False

3. A) Religious themes; more specifically, it was concerned with the translation of Church theology into artistic themes.

4. False

5. B) A mosaic is a picture made out of tiny pieces of tile, set together by mortar.

6. True (they are both mosaics— please ensure you studied both within the referred unit).

7. C) They tried to warn the Greeks against opening the Trojan horse, and no one believed them.

8. True

9. D) It shows Alexander riding into battle against the Persian King, Darius III.

10. B) He conquered the Persian Empire. Even though he had a short life, he transformed Greece.

11. D) The calm expression on the face.

12. True

13. C) He is resting on his club and lion skin.

14. True

15. True

16. A) 200

17. B) Nature symbols.

18. False (7th & 8th centuries)

19. D) The underworld (this one was hard to find a definitive answer but from reading excerpts here & there it seems to be associated with the underworld).
20. True

21. B) He is shown with a halo, because the artist is expressing the theocratic nature of the Emperor’s role. He is God’s representative on Earth.