The sequence below is default mRNA, ( AUG AUG CUU UUU UCU UAU UGA AUG GAU UUG CGU UGA). write down the protein sequence

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The genome, made up of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules, is often referred to as the "blueprint" that contains the vital instructions to allow a cell to sustain itself via cell metabolism. Such information, throughout years of extensive research, had been shown to be contained within specific loci of the genome known as genes. In accordance with the central dogma of molecular biology, genes are expressed in two consecutive means, namely transcription and translation respectively.

Mature mRNA, after post-transcriptional processing of pre-mRNA, is then transported out of the nucleus to the ribosome on the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, where translation occurs. The ribosome scans the mRNA strand from a 5'- to 3'-direction until it encounters the start codon, AUG. The mRNA template is decoded in consecutive groups of three ribonucleotides, called a codon. Although each codon specifies its corresponding amino acid (exception of stop codons), however, because the genetic code is highly degenerate, meaning one amino acid may be encoded by multiple codons. For example, only methionine and tryptophan are encoded by just one triplet respectively, whereas leucine, arginine, and serine are specified by six distinct codons.

Translation terminates when the ribosome encounters a stop codon on the mRNA template which is encoded by the triplets UGA, UAA, and UAG.

Consider the primary structure of the mRNA in the question

[tex]5'\text{- \ AUG \ AUG \ CUU \ UUU \ UCU \ UAU \ UGA \ AUG \ GAU \ UUG \ CGU \ UGA \ -} \ 3'[/tex]

using a codon table online, the corresponding primary structure of the protein produced is

                                 [tex]5'\text{- \ Met \ Met \ Leu \ Phe \ Ser \ Tyr \ -} \ 3'[/tex].