Words: claim, claims, concluding, counterclaims, evidence, important, persuade, support,
thesis, two
In this standard, your writing's purpose is to (1)
your audience to your way of
thinking. Your topic should be (2)
rather than trivial, and the issue should have
at least (3)
sides. The main way to present your position is to develop a
statement which tells your reader what your thoughts are about the topic.
In order to win the audience over, you need to make clear (5)
These ideas are
then supported by (6)
which can take the form of statistics, facts, anecdotes,
expert opinion, and examples. Besides presenting your own line of reasoning, you must
consider other possible (7).
. The three key stepszin your writing that help
organize your paper are (8)_
and analysis.
statements in your paragraphs follow and support the case presented.
Does anyone know how to fill in the blanks pls lmk fast