Definition of America
A man named Michel-Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur was a farmer from France who traveled through the colonies around this time. He wrote about his experiences and observations, eventually publishing Letters from an American Farmer (1782). Part of what he tried to do was define an American. Here is a short excerpt from his writing:

"What then is the American, this new man? He is either an European, or the descendant of an European, hence that strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country [...] He is an American, who, leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds. [In this country] individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors will one day cause great changes in the world."
Discussion Prompt
In this discussion, post about whether you agree that this quote accurately describes America. You must provide specific examples from history or current events to support your stance. Then, respond to at least 2 classmates' posts. You are welcome to agree or disagree with your classmates. As always, though, do so respectfully!

10 points: A clear position was formed about the quote listed above. Your response is a well-formed, thoughtful paragraph that reflections on the passage and provides analysis. Post includes specific examples from the text (include quotes in MLA formatting, if needed) and provides a deeper look at the text. The post should not be a summary.
5 points each: Upon completion of your post, you should select two classmates to whom you will respond. Your responses should reflect on their writing and provide meaningful commentary. Ask questions if you have them, provide extensions if you see them, and interact with their writing. Each response should be a well-formed paragraph.
Some Tips
Think about phrases in the quote that you may have heard from other places. (For example, "melted together" sounds similar to "melting pot.") What is this term, and what does it mean to you? Was he correct in this comparison?
He claims America will cause great changes in the world. Did that happen? Will it still? Does "great" have to be positive?
He claims Americans left behind their prejudices. Has that happened? Have they changed?
You will need to post before you are able to see others' posts.
Always write in complete sentences and use specific details for support!