Prepare a two- to three-page research paper highlighting the contributions of a NASA space center and its effects on the local and national economy and culture. Choose a NASA space center ( to research, and then follow the steps provided to research, plan, and write your paper. Use this information about the research process and other links throughout the activity as a guide.
Part A: Ask Questions
Make a list of questions that will help you conduct research on the topic. Get started by considering these questions that may help you better understand the topic:
What is the name and location of the space center you chose?
What are some of the space center’s most significant contributions?
How was the space center impacted by the retirement of the space shuttle program in 2011? How has this change affected future events scheduled at the space center?
What effect does this space center have on the economy and culture of the state where it’s located?
What is the national yearly budget for NASA? If possible, find out how much money is allotted to and spent by the space center you chose.
How would proposed budget cuts likely impact this space center and NASA’s role as a leader in space travel?
Now write down two more questions that will help you strengthen the arguments in your research paper. The questions could be about the space center you chose or NASA’s impact on economy and culture.
Part B: Find Credible Sources
When writing a research paper, look for credible sources. Science doesn’t show bias, but humans do. Avoid sites and articles that provide facts without citing proper scientific evidence. You must be able to identify reliable sites so that the data in your research paper is credible.

Use sources that end in .gov. These government sites are reliable sources. You can also use sites ending in .edu. They’re generally trustworthy, but sometimes students, rather than scientists, write content for .edu websites. Always identify the source’s author. Some .org and .com sites are credible, but it’s important to verify their authenticity. When reviewing a source, ask these questions:

Who is the author?
Is this person an expert on the subject?
What is the document’s purpose?
Does the document state facts that scientists can prove with evidence?
Are there opinions in the document?
How old is the document?
Do other credible sources support the statements in the document?
Search for credible websites and note the information they contain. Write down three sources that you’ll use for your research paper, and cite them using Modern Language Association (MLA)
Part C: Take Notes
In a separate location, take notes from the sources you’ve identified. The notes will provide details for your paper. While taking notes from texts and websites. In the space provided, answer one of the questions you formulated in part A.
Part D: Organize Your Information
After you’ve gathered your research and answered all of your questions, create an outline for your research paper in the answer space. Following the guidelines for writing a five-paragraph essay may help you structure your outline. Be sure to include your thesis statement in the introduction and a works cited page at the end of your paper listing the authors and websites you consulted.
Write your paper using your outline and research. Be sure to proofread and revise your writing to catch any errors in grammar, spelling, logic, or cohesion. Remember that you must add a works cited page at the end of your paper to credit your sources.
Write your paper using your outline and research. Be sure to proofread and revise your writing to catch any errors in grammar, spelling, logic, or cohesion. Remember that you must add a works cited page at the end of your paper to credit your sources.
Part E: Write Your Paper
Write your paper using your outline and research. Be sure to proofread and revise your writing to catch any errors in grammar, spelling, logic, or cohesion. Remember that you must add a works cited page at the end of your paper to credit your sources.
When you have completed your paper, submit it to your teacher along with this activity.

Respuesta :

Here are my answers. Remember, DONT plagiarise!! You will get caught by the teacher if you do.

Dont stress :) I gotcha


Part A: Ask Questions-

These are just a few. It would be good if you thought up some more &/or different ones

  • What is the name and location of the space center you chose?
  • What are some of the space center’s most significant contributions?
  • What is the national yearly budget for NASA?
  • How would proposed budget cuts likely impact this space center and NASA’s role as a leader in space travel?
  • Does the space station need upgrades &/or maintainance?
  • If yes, how often does it need these improvements? 

Part B: Find Credible Sources-

  • Who is the author?
  • Is this person an expert on the subject?
  • What is the document’s purpose?
  • Does the document state facts that scientists can prove with evidence?
  • Are there opinions in the document?
  • How old is the document?
  • Do other credible sources support the statements in the document?

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Page Last Updated: Jul 22, 2021 Page Editor: Laura Newton NASA Official: Brian D. (the rest of the information is unknown, but the company is partially ran by Bill Nye who supposedly knows what he's talking about)

Space News Written March 12, 2019 by Jeff Foust 

Part C: Take Notes-

What is the name and location of the space center you chose?

Armstrong Flight Research Center

Location: Edwards Air Force Base, Edwards, California USA

What are some of the space center’s most significant contributions?

"research at NASA Armstrong has led to major advancements and breakthroughs in the design and capabilities of many state-of-the-art civil and military aircraft"

"The Armstrong Flight Research Center is NASA's primary center for high-risk, atmospheric flight research and test projects. The center has the facilities and requisite expertise to conceive, design, analyze, fabricate, integrate, maintain and conduct disciplinary research, flight research and flight test on modified or unique research vehicles and systems."

What is the national yearly budget for NASA?

"NASA's budget for fiscal year (FY) 2021 is $23.3 billion. This represents a 3% increase over the previous year's amount. It was passed by Congress on 21 December 2020—nearly three months into the fiscal year."-

How would proposed budget cuts likely impact this space center and NASA’s role as a leader in space travel?

Budget cuts would likely impact NASA as a whole by cutting science missions & education programs. It would also give a 30% cut for NASA astrophysics programs & would start the process of cancelling the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST). "For the third year in a row, it calls for cancelling two Earth science missions, the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) spacecraft and the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) Pathfinder instrument for the International Space Station. NASA said cancelling those three programs would save more than a half billion dollars compared to 2019." -

Does the space station need upgrades &/or maintainance?

Yes, the Armstrong Flight Research Center does occasionally need maintanance and improvements. An example of such improvements is in "flight simulations, ability to validate high temperature and flight loads, flight test instrumentation, processing flight research data and expertise in remotely operated aircraft flight research...The Research Aircraft Integration Facility can simultaneously check aircraft flight controls, avionics, electronics and other systems. The only one of its type in NASA, the facility speeds up and enhances systems integration and preflight checks on research aircraft."- NASA

If yes, how often does it need these improvements? 

The improvements are added when they are needed. There is not a specific time

Part D: Organize Your Information

I created my outline in a separate location and built the essay off of that... I cant find it anymore either :(

HOWEVER, I hope I have given you enough help that you can build your essay off of that.

Please let me know if you have any further questions :)