Match the behavior type with the corresponding action.

Behavior type:
a mother protecting her young:

putting a puzzle together:

getting hungry before lunchtime:

brushing your hair:

eye blinking:

migrating salmon:

jumping at a loud sound:

learning to ski with no teacher:

your pet bird learning to talk:

playing a scale on a piano:

brushing your teeth daily:

Corresponding action:
1. conditional-response

2. Instinct

3. reflex

4. trial and error

5. habit

Respuesta :

The behaviors observed or performed by living organisms can be used in

the study of their psychology.

The correct responses are;

  • A mother protecting her young: 2. Instinct

  • Putting a puzzle together: 4. Trial and error

  • Getting hungry before lunchtime: 2. Instinct

  • Brushing your hair: 5. Habit

  • Eye blinking: 3. Reflex

  • Migrating salmon: 2. Instinct

  • Jumping at a loud sound: 1. Conditional response

  • Learning to ski with no teacher: 4. Trial and error

  • Playing a scale on a piano: 1. Conditional-response

  • Your pet bird learning to talk: 2. Instinct

  • Brushing your teeth daily: 5. Habit


1. A conditional response is a response to a stimulus that is conditioned by

learning, such that previously, the response to the given stimulus was


The conditioned (learned) responses are; Jumping at a loud sound and

playing a piano.

2. Instinct: Instinct are behaviors that we are innate which are behaviors

that are natural, and that are activated by occurrence of a wide range

changes including, change in season, age, and environment changes,

such as the lack of food in the stomach (hunger).

The behavior type that correspond with instinct are; Getting hungry before

lunch time, migrating salmon, your pet bird learning to walk.

3. Reflex: A reflex is a neural response to an external stimuli in the

environment, that involve part specific parts of the body.

The behavior type that are correspond with reflex is; Eye blinking

4. Trial and error: Trial and error is a problem solving strategy that makes

use of repeated attempts of trying different options until success is


The behavior that corresponds to trial and error are; Putting a puzzle

together, and learning to ski without a teacher.

5. Habit: An habit is a learned response to stimulus that occurs repeatedly,

such as bushy hair.

The behavior that corresponds to habits are; Brushing your hair, brushing

your teeth daily.

Learn more about types of behavior psychology here: