Respuesta :
im not an expert in math but i'll do my best:
1. an approximation is something that is almost, but not exactly something. for example, 5.02 is approximately 5. it's not EXACTLY 5, but it's around 5.
2. decimal place refers to the position of numbers after the decimal point. let's take the decimal number 7.89 for example. there are 2 numbers after the decimal point, which is 8 and 9. hence we say that 7.89 has 2 decimal places.
3. significant figure is kind of hard to explain, so i'll jump into the example straight away.
5.874 to 3 significant figures is 5.87. what i did was count 3 digits: starting from 5 to 7. to round to 3 significant figures, i look at the 4th digit, which is 4 in this case. if it's smaller than 5, i ignore everything past the digit 7, and leave the final answer as 5.87.
if the 4th digit is greater than or equal to 5, i add 1 to the 3rd digit THEN leave out all the numbers after the 3rd digit. (if this were the case, the answer would be 5.88)
lets take a trickier example, 0.064591
in this case i cannot start counting 3 digits starting from 0. i have to count starting from the number 6. the concept in this case is that the 1st significant figure cannot be a 0. in this case the answer to 3 significant figures would be 0.0646.
however, 0 can be a significant figure if it's after another number. for instance 0.90672
the 0 after the 9 would count as a significant figure because it's not the 1st significant figure in the number. however the 0 before the 9 would NOT count as one because 0 cannot be the 1st significant figure. the answer to 3 significant figures would be 0.907.
sorry this was so lengthy, i just hope this answers your question on what these are and how they work. good luck!