A rectangular prism with a volume of 101010 cubic units is filled with cubes with side lengths of \dfrac12

start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction unit.
How many \dfrac12

start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction unit cubes does it take to fill the prism?

Respuesta :

now, we're assuming that the prism has a volume of 10³ and is filled with cubes of sides 1/2 long, Check the picture below.

now notice the bottom-right part of the picture, if we put two small cubes next to each other, they add up to 1, so to get 10 units from that, we'll need 20 of those halves, or 20/2 = 10, meaning we'll need 20 cubes side by side to make a length of 10 horizontally.

The same will be true for getting cubes to make up 10 vertically, we'll need 20, the same is true to fill up from back to front, we'll need 20 cubes.

so we can say that the rectangular prism will need 20 cubes from front to back, 20 horizontally and 20 vertically, that'll be 20*20*20 cubes, or 20³ or 8000 cubes.

mind you that we used a Cube for the prism, but the same will be true if we were to rearrange the cubes and make the prism taller or wider, same 8000 cubes will fill it in.

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