4.A counterexample can be used to show that a conjecture is false. Below are three
conjectures students made after visiting a zoo. Write a counterexample that shows that each
conjecture is false.
a. There are always more elephants in a zoo than giraffes.
b. The oldest leatherback sea turtle in captivity is 33 years old.
c. American bison are never over 6 feet tall.

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Step-by-step explanation:

1. In some zoos the are more elephants than giraffes, then this conjecture can be true sometimes, however, this can not always be true because some zoo could have more giraffes

2. This can be true unless that turtle ages, or another is found that is taken into captivi9ty and found to be older

3. While most American bison are usaually below 6 feet, that is no gureantee there is no occasaional taller American Bison.

I do not know if these meet your teacher's starndard, but I hope they do. Please thanks and rate!