
Communes instappeared in Dagur France and at the end of the
century They were actually a town where everyone agreed to take anato
ade. Communes were formed because Europe had just fly tumed
y the amacks for the Sarbarians and the people needed better
protection and better legal and economic systems.
Communes ten were sort of Restricts or states that were usually
respected by the King of that country
Sometimes the king would honor it with a charter
& Ferent times ving in a commune could mean simply a local self
govement and at other times I could mean a complete independence from
the regning authortes. Al of the communes were different but there were
fundamental smiandes between them Similarities ke loyalty to your flow
communers above all else she sharing of common expenses ke the upkeep
of fortifications a group of elected ocals who who were the political
authority, an authoritative structure that was directed toward keeping the
peace an protecting the community members a communal court where
disputes were judged, and all economic affairs like taxes and trade being
regulated in the community's best interest