A biology student wants to determine if using a fertilizer would help promote growth of new babies in spider plants. The student chooses 100 baby spider plants to be used in the study. They all are potted in the same amount and type of soil, given the same amount of water, and exposed to the same amount of light. Fifty of the plants will be given the fertilizer treatment and the other 50 plants will not receive any fertilizer. After one year, the shoots will be counted for each plant.

Which of the following describes a completely randomized design for this experiment?

For each plant, flip a coin. If the coin lands on heads, the plant will receive the fertilizer. If the coin lands on tails, the plant will not receive the fertilizer. Continue until 50 plants have been assigned to each of the two treatment groups.
Group the plants based on size with the 50 biggest plants in one group and the 50 smallest plants in the other group. Flip a coin, and if it lands on heads, give the first group of 50 the fertilizer. If it lands on tails, give the second group of 50 the fertilizer.
Number the plants 00–99 and, using a random number table, read the digits two at time. Select the first 50 digits. These will represent the plants placed in the fertilizer group. The remaining 50 plants will be placed in the group that does not receive fertilizer.
Number the plants 1–100 and put these numbers into a random number generator. The first 50 unique numbers generated will represent the plants placed in the fertilizer group. The remaining 50 plants will be placed in the group that does not receive fertilizer.

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