A car rental company
advertises a price of
$220 to rent a car for
4 days. At this rate,
what is the cost to rent
a car for a full week?
(Step by step please)

Respuesta :

220/4=55 per day

Answer:  385 dollars


Work Shown:

(220 dollars)/(4 days) = (x dollars)/(7 days)

220/4 = x/7

220*7 = 4*x

1540 = 4x

4x = 1540

x = 1540/4

x = 385

It costs $385 to rent a car for a full week (7 days)

If your teacher considers a week to be 5 days (ignoring the weekends), then you'll need to solve 220/4 = x/5 instead. That would lead to x = 275. I have a feeling that your teacher might want 7 days though.

Side note: In the jump from step 2 to step 3, I used the cross multiplication rule.