A basketball player throws a ball upward from her hands, which are 5 feet above the ground. The basketball reaches a maximum height and then descends a few feet and becomes stuck in the net. Which graph could represent the relationship between the height of the ball and time?

Respuesta :

The ball initially goes up then reaches a maximum height from which it

returns downwards and stops in the basket.

Please find attached the graph that represents the relationship between the height of the ball and time.


  • The initial height of the basketball = 5 feet

  • The motion of the basketball is a parabola, which is concave downwards.

  • Given that the basket ball becomes stuck in the net and that the net is higher than 5 feet, we have that the position of the ball after it comes to rest will be higher than the initial position.


The graph of the motion of the ball representing the relationship between he height of the ball and time is as presented in the attached graph crated with MS Excel.

Learn more about projectile motion here:


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