2. Number the steps of protein synthesis 1-4 (1 being the beginning and 4 being the

tRNA carries amino acids to the ribosome and matches with the
correct codon.

mRNA strand attaches to a ribosome.

amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds to create protein.

DNA is unzipped and the bases are used to code for a strand of

Respuesta :

Proteins synthesis includes transcription and translation. 1) DNA is unzipped and the bases are used to code for a strand of  mRNA. 2) mRNA strand attaches to a ribosome. 3) tRNA carries amino acids to the ribosome. 4) Amino acids are linked by peptide bonds to create protein.



In protein synthesis, the first step is to synthesize messenger RNA, mRNA.

The transcription is the coping process of the DNA section, and it happens in the nucleus.

After that, the translation occurs when the formed mRNA moves to the cytoplasm through the nucleus membrane pores.


Once in the cytoplasm, it begins the translation process.

mRNA meets a free ribosome that is the primary structure for protein synthesis.

Ribosomes are composed of two subunits, a big one and a small one.

They also associate with different tRNA that carries amino acids.

The ribosome reads mRNA in the 5´ to 3´ direction, and, according to the codons that are being readen, tRNA transfers the correct amino acids to build the polypeptide chain.

Each tRNA has two important sites. One of them is the antidocon that couples with the codon of the mRNA molecule. The other site couples with the coded amino acid.

The new amino acid joins the growing chain through peptidic bonds between the carboxyl and amino groups.

The tRNA leaves the ribosome and is free to join another amino acid and repeat the cycle.

The protein is synthesized from the amino terminus to the carboxy terminus, while the added amino acids to the chain are coded by a codon formed by three bases in the mRNA.

The start and stop codons are used as signals of the synthesis initiation and finish. The ribosome beggins protein synthesis when reading the start codon, and when reaches the stop codon, protein synthesis is over.  

According to this theoretical framework, we can order the steps.

1) DNA is unzipped and the bases are used to code for a strand of

mRNA ⇒  Transcription ⇒  Nucleus

2) mRNA strand attaches to a ribosome  ⇒ Translation ⇒  Cytosol

3) tRNA carries amino acids to the ribosome and matches with the

correct codon ⇒  Translation ⇒  Cytosol

4) amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds to create protein  ⇒  Translation ⇒  Cytosol.


Related link (steps for protein synthesis) :

