When you visualized before you read the article, were your visualizations accurate? How were they different or the same from the information in the article?

Respuesta :

The question above requires a personal answer about the article you need to read. Also, you have not informed which article the question refers to. For that reason, I cannot answer this question, but I will show you how to answer it.

From the context of your question, we can see that you need to do a dynamic reading and then a full reading of the article to which the question refers.

Dynamic reading refers to a quick visualization of the article, where only some elements of the article are visualized and some information is collected. This type of reading does not provide accurate information, but it is important to promote an understanding of the subject of the article.

The information is only collected accurately with the complete reading of the article. Generally, these readings promote information different from the information with the visualization of the dynamic reading.

Based on that, you can answer this question as follows:

  • Read the article dynamically and view some information.
  • Read the article completely.
  • Show how dynamic reading visualization does not provide accurate information.
  • Show how this information is different from the information you got from reading the article in full.

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