2. Do you agree with the popular saying “Not everyone is good at everything, but everyone is good at something, Why or why not?

Respuesta :


I Do and here's why.


Some of our distinguishing characteristics as human beings are just how unique and special we are. As human beings, we are each unique and different in our own ways. We have different likes, dislikes, aspirations, skills, etc. Some people are quick to understand math equations and science experiments, others are amazing storytellers both visually and in writing.

Some of our distinguishing characteristics as human beings are just how unique and special we are. So why try to take that away?

Equality is great. Between all people and creatures of this earth. Everyone having a FAIR CHANCE at being what they want to be is so incredibly important. But, not everyone is going to succeed at everything they do, and that is absolutely fine.

Hard work and dedication goes a long way, but if you aren't equipped with the skills you need to be a front-runner in that career field, and truly succeed, then you probably won't.

Telling people only hard work and dedication will get them anywhere is sometimes problematic. For example, my parents wanted me to be a basketball player in high school. They thought if I just tried harder, and worked harder, I would end up getting better. The truth is, I just didn't have the aggressive enough attitude, and running and dribbling just wasn't my thing.

I moved on to discover that I was really good at volleyball, making the varsity team as a freshman, and playing throughout high school. And I enjoyed it. I had the skills, and I had the mentality. By failing at one thing, I found the thing I actually was good at and wanted to do.

It is important to realize that while you might not succeed at everything you attempt to do, but every failure brings you closer to what you are supposed to be doing and what you are capable of doing. We are all made with our individual abilities, skills, and passions, and that is the beauty of this life we live. We are all designed to do different things and not be forced into boxes. Yeah, it isn't the greatest when we really want something but it turns out we aren't so great at it.

It is important to realize, though, that you are unique and different and hard work and dedication are important, but doing what you love and what you are good at is just as important and will carry you further to success.


The phrase "Not everyone is good at everything, but everyone is good at something" is logically true.

It should be noted that we are all unique in our own ways. We are built differently and our goals, abilities, desires, and aspirations are different.

Just because an individual is not good at playing football doesn't mean the person cannot be good at something else. The person may be good at music, dancing, art, etc.

In conclusion, we are unique in our own ways.

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