The company's sales price will be Br 100 with its 10% after-tax ROI.
Data and Calculations:
Required after-tax Return on Investment (ROI) = 10%
Required post-tax Return on Investment (ROI) = 20% (10%/(1 - 50%))
Tax rate = 50%
Total assets = Br 500,000
Production output = 2,000 units
Variable and Fixed Costs = Br 100,000
The post-tax Return on Investment = Br 100,000 (Br 500,000 x 20%)
The Sales value = (Total costs + Post-tax ROI)
= Br 200,000 (Br 100,000 + Br 100,000)
The selling price per unit = Br 100 (Br 200,000/2,000).
Thus, the company's sales price per unit is Br 100.
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