Corporations Find New Ways of Doing Business: Text
1. Draw Conclusions The text states that “after 1870, the number of
corporations in America rose dramatically.” How can you account for the
rise of corporations during this period? Support your answer with details
from the text.
many entrepreneurs took advantage and started businesses. Government was favorable to corporations and anti-union

2. Compare and Contrast In what ways are horizontal integration and
vertical integration similar? In what ways are they different? For each type
of integration, give an example from the text of a corporation that used the
strategy, and explain how the corporation used it.

Horizontal integration is when a business grows by acquiring a similar company in their industry at the same point of the supply chain. Vertical integration is when a business expands by getting another company that operates before or after them in the supply chain.

The Pros and Cons of Big Business: Text
3. Assess an Argument Were big business tycoons like John D. Rockefeller
“robber barons” who were bad for the nation as a whole or “captains of
industry” who served the nation well? The text presents arguments for
both viewpoints. State which arguments you find more convincing and
why. Support your answer with evidence from the text.

4. Vocabulary: Determine Meaning Read the first two paragraphs of
“Causes and Effects of Social Darwinism.” What do you think Social
Darwinism is? How was Social Darwinism used to justify prejudice against
minorities? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

The Changing Relationship Between Government and Business: Text
5. Cite Evidence The United States has a history of tension between
business and government. Give at least two examples of this conflict from
the text and explain them.

6. Determine Central Ideas What central points does the text make about
the ongoing relationship among business, government, and consumers?

Respuesta :


1: Laissez -faire environment with no rules... many entrepreneurs took advantage and started businesses. Government was favorable to corporations and anti-union.

2: Horizontal integration is when a business grows by acquiring a similar company in their industry at the same point of the supply chain. Vertical integration is when a business expands by acquiring another company that operates before or after them in the supply chain.

4: Social Darwinism refers to various societal practices around the world and defined by scholars in Western Europe and North America in the 1870s.

Social Darwinism was justified on the basis of “natural” inequalities among individuals, for the control of the property was said to be a correlate of superior and inherent moral attributes such as industriousness, temperance, and frugality.

Sorry I could not answer all the questions since I need the text.
