Firms produce the goods and services used by households. That includes everything from packaged food to video games to dry cleaning. Households provide the factors for production that firms require. These factors include the workers who make, distribute, and sell goods and services. Factors of production also include the revenue that firms earn from consumer expenditures. That money comes from the income paid by firms, primarily in the form of wages. This flow of funds from firms to households back to firms creates an exchange that benefits both firms and households. When an economy is strong, jobs are created and livable wages are paid. This allows workers to spend more money, and the cycle continues.
–“The Circular Flow of Income”
How does consumer spending stimulate economic growth?
Consumer spending pays funds directly into households.
Consumer spending increases withdrawals from an economy.
Consumer spending allows firms to flourish and new businesses to develop.
Consumer spending prevents a factor that can be an obstacle to production.