Got Brush? Use Goats!
Are you dreading the unenviable task of clearing brush from
your land? If so, I have the perfect solution-a herd of lovable
goats! These delightful animals are the Indisputable answer to
removing overgrown vegetation from pastures, parks, and
hillsides. They can move around in areas inhospitable to
humans and machines, and since their method of clearing land
is to eat everything in sight, the hassle of hauling away
truckloads of debris is of no concern.
The funny thing about goats is that many of the plants they
consider delicious are the same plants that exasperate farmers,
communities, and homeowners. They eat plants such as kudzu
and poison ivy, which spread quickly and make it difficult for
other types of vegetation to survive. While many people are
allergic to poison Ivy, which is why they avoid clearing it, goats
are not bothered by it in the least. Not only do they chomp
down on toxic plants, but they enjoy plants with thorns, such as
blackberry brambles. Goats can't get enough of them! All things
considered, if you are staring down a tangle of unwieldy brush,
hiring a herd of goats to do the work for you is your best bet!

Got Brush Use Goats Are you dreading the unenviable task of clearing brush from your land If so I have the perfect solutiona herd of lovable goats These delight class=