Can somebody do a summary of this?
Nearly all people conform to most norms most of the time. People conform
because through socialisation they have internalised the norms and values of
their culture. There is a value consensus; nearly all people in a society agree on
shared values, and also on the norms derived from them. Even criminals will
often disapprove of the actions of other criminals, which suggests that they
share part of the overall value system. However, societies need to have ways of
ensuring social conformity. All societies have ways of making their members
conform to norms. This is achieved by systems of sanctions. Positive sanctions
are often referred to as rewards and so sanctions usually mean negative
sanctions (punishments).
Informal social control is exercised by individuals and groups who do not
have any official power to do so. It includes, for example, any way in which you
might express disapproval of something your friends have done that you do
not like. You might make a negative comment about them or refuse to speak to
them until they apologise. Informal social control can seem minor but is often
very effective. It can be exercised through glares and comments like 'that was
rude or expressions of anger or disgust. One common form of informal social control in peer groups of young people is ostracism or social rejection; that is, an
individual is excluded from the group and made aware that they are not welcome.
Some types of informal social control are:
When informal social control does not work, then formal social control may be
used. This needs to be done by someone who has authority in that situation, such
as a teacher, employer or police officer. Agencies of formal social control include
the police and the criminal justice system. They can impose a wide range of formal
sanctions, such as fines and imprisonment.
Agencies of social control are also agencies of socialisation. They pass on
norms and values but they are also able to make people conform. The main agencies
of social control are as follows.
- Families. It is through primary socialisation in the family that children absorb
norms and values. The strong bonds between parents and children and the
impressionability of young children make this the most important period of
socialisation. Children learn to regulate their own behaviour so as not to offend
others. They internalise values so that they feel guilt and remorse if they break
norms that are based on them.
- Schools. In the school system children are controlled in many ways. They are told
what to do and when, most of the time. Unit 5 explores the idea of the hidden
curriculum, which suggests that at school learning to obey the rules and conform to
education is as significant for children as learning knowledge and skills.
Religion. For those with religious beliefs, religions offer guidelines and laws for how
to behave and offer both rewards and punishments for behaviour. The values of a
society are often based on the main religion.
The media. The media offer role models as well as constant messages about how to
behave and reminders about rewards and punishments through offering examples
of good and bad behaviour, both in factual news reporting and in fiction.
Workplaces. There are rules and regulations at places of work and other norms that
people may need to learn as they settle into a new job.
- Peer groups. These are powerful agencies of social control because people feel
the need to belong to groups. The threat of being rejected is often a powerful
one. When we feel we have been pushed into behaving in ways that our peers will
approve of, this is called peer pressure.
If these agencies fail to control behaviour then societies have more powerful
sanctions. The police and the criminal justice system can be used to enforce laws.
Police forces are set up with the explicit purpose of social control. They are able to
use coercion (force) when they decide it is necessary. By arresting and charging
people the police bring people into the criminal justice system where judges and
juries, acting on behalf of society, have the power to impose sanctions. The range of
sanctions available is discussed in Unit 6 on crime and deviance. In some countries
if it seems that the police are unable to control behaviour the armed forces may be
used to do so.