Hi! You give yourself permission to fail, but you're also setting yourself up for success.
It's impossible to live without failing. Basically, a lot of what I gather is that as you look back and see last year fading into the rear view mirror, there's a good chance you'll realize you've failed at some point. And that's telling us that, if you give yourself permission to fail, you're also deeply motivating yourself within to succeed.
It's a case of, "I'm allowed to fail, but I'm going to succeed anyways because I don't want to fail." (just playing upon the fear of shame!)
Intrinsically, keeping ourselves from making mistakes is a disservice to progress. Doing so holds us back from achieving our full potential, and in many cases, prevents us from ever understanding what that might even be.
It’s true what they say, failure is a step on the path of success. The moment you fail is the moment you’ve found new territory to take or ground to cover. I would write more, but I don't want to bore you!