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1. Dehumanization is the process by which the Nazis gradually reduced the Jews to little more than "things" which were a nuisance to them. Discuss at least three specific examples of events that occurred which dehumanized Eliezer, his father, or his fellow Jews.

2. After Eliezer’s father was beaten by Idek, a Kapo, Eliezer says, "I had watched the whole scene without moving. I kept quiet. In fact, I was thinking of how to get farther away so that I would not be hit myself. What is more, any anger I felt at that moment was directed, not against the Kapo, but against my father. I was angry with him, for not knowing how to avoid Idek’s outbreak. That is what concentration camp life had made of me." Discuss what the last line signifies. Discuss how his attitude had changed.

3. Discuss why you think the townspeople remained complacent despite the advance of the German army.

4. Discuss why Eliezer lied to Stein, his relative, about Stein’s family. Discuss whether you think he was morally right.

5. Discuss the significance of "night" in the novel. Cite examples from the story to support your answer.

6. Explain the author’s meaning when he says after the handing of the youth from Warsaw that "the soup tasted excellent that evening," yet after the pipel was hanged, "the soup tasted of corpses."

Respuesta :



1. Take the same train as many people who have no food and limited water.

2. The Nazis threw food to fight for

bread. 3. They were separated one by one based on physical characteristics and gender.

In Night by Elie Wiesel Dehumanization is the process by which Nazis gradually reduced the Jews to little more than "things" which were a nuisance to them:

Riding a train with many other people who don't have food on a long journey can feel very inhuman because it's cruel even to animals, but it's done for everyone. It's big for Erie, as Erie even says she vividly remembers people curling up on the train when people harassed others or starved for food.

When the Nazis were throwing bread at the Jews on the train, Erie was beaten when she saw people being killed to steal bread.

After all, being separated from other people can be inhuman when a strong man is put in the "better" category just because he can do more than you.






Eliezer lied in hopes that it would provide Stein with some hope and happiness, this quick decision was immoral. Eliezer's decision to lie derived from his hope that it would make Stein feel better. Part of this decision came from Eliezer's religious past.


Night is often symbolic of evil and death. It comes to represent those ideas in the concentration camps where Elie Wiesel focuses most of his narrative, and it also comes to represent a world where he feels that God has abandoned him, leaving him in a spiritual darkness or night.