
if you were one of the three young fishermen in the story entitled the incredible voyage of kandurakee do you you think you can survive in the sea for how many days?

Respuesta :

Every man wants to live even in difficult times. If there is no food/water, a person stranded at sea will survive for just three days. For me, I can survive as long as there is hope but still for number sake, I can say 60 days.

  • The story of the voyage of kandurakee is simply known as an incredible story about the 3 fishermen from Sri Lanka that was stranded and drifted thousand miles away from their country in a period of 4 months.

The fishermen were Sunel Adambarage,  Cyril Hendavitharana, and Nimal Guneratne, who were from one village.

After 15 weeks into the voyage of the Kandukaree, they were rescued when they saw an Indonesian fishing boat approaching.

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