Could someone please tell me how to give myself a fever or like fake sick? Basically I have really bad anxiety and I’ve been having panic attacks lately at school and my grandma died on top of that and I just need at least a extra day to grieve. I don’t think it’s really hit me yet. It’s for a good reason so just please tell me. (No sympathy please.)

Respuesta :


I got 2 things for you 1 just ask your parents to let you stay home. Its understandable why you would want to stay home.

2 You can say whenever you stand up you get dizzy or drowsy and if somehow can barf in the toilet I did that once I don't know how but I did hope this helped



Easiest way is to hod the thermometer against your lamp bulb, not too hot but watch the temp so it will show like 99 or 100

Old school method