Respuesta :


Yes, he was a hero in the Cradle since he went out of his way to help his pregnant wife out to find her lost souvenir and make their family bigger by finding her mother  Caroline. He finds Caroline's sister as he discovers Caroline and her impulse life. This change their family and brought them closer together as they brought Caroline home and she reunited with her daughter.

here it is if you disagree

On the story The Cradle it says that Matt Bishop went to find the antique his pregnant wife had asked him to bring home. His wife Marissa dreamed of nothing else but bringing her baby home to the cradle she herself slept in. The crib that her mom took care of her but soon left her life by abandoning her and never reaching out. Marissa did not want to know where her mom was. Matt Bishop does not tell his wife he is going to look for her mother that she did not wanted to have any contact with.
