Respuesta :
Worry less.
Be courageous.
Respect your elders.
Trust yourself.
Don't be so serious.
Smile genuinely.
Love yourself.
Forget what people think about you.
Hey Zep !
If i ask u about my favourite animal obviously your answer 'll b pig .
But do you know about 2nd favourite
it's moss piglet ( :
A Tardigrade ( strongest creature in da world )
Ukw they can repair their dna !
Even though it's a microscopic animal it's my favourite, they can survive extreme conditions nd they don't have bones instead they have a hydrostatic skeleton ( fluid filled compartment ) !!
It's not indestructible like they used to say before it can be killed with a gun but still
They enter into a stage called cryptobiosis to protect themselves to tolerate severe conditions .
Nd they have outraged dinosaurs