When people enjoy whatever they are doing, they report some characteristic feelings that distinguish the (1. pleasure) _______________ moment from the rest of life. The same types of feelings are reported in the context of playing chess, climbing mountains, playing with babies, reading a book or writing a poem. They are the same for young and old, male and female, American or Japanese, rich or poor. In other words, the nature of enjoyment seems to be (2. universe) _______________. We call this state of (3. conscious) _______________ a flow experience, because many people report that when what they are doing is (4. special) _______________ enjoyable, it feels like being carried away by a current, like being in a flow.
At present, (5. lament) _______________,few students would recognise the idea that learning can be like that. But if educators invested a fraction of the energy on (6. stimulus) _______________ the students’ enjoyment of learning that they now spend in trying to transmit information, we could achieve much better results. Once students’ (7. motivate) _______________ is engaged, once they can be (8. power) _______________ to take control of their own learning and provided with clear (9. feed) _______________ on their efforts, then they are on their way to a lifetime of (10. propel)_______________ acquisition of knowledge.