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The equilibrium price is the market price where the quantity of goods supplied is equal to the quantity of goods demanded. This is the point at which the demand and supply curves in the market intersect. To determine the equilibrium price, you have to figure out at what price the demand and supply curves intersect.



Intro to Determination of Prices

Price is the worth that buys a finite amount, weight, or another match of goods or services. In other words, it also expresses the value of the goods produced and the services rendered by factors of production such as land, labor, and capital. Thus, the determination of prices is of great significance in an economy.

Introduction to Determination of Prices

Determination of Prices means to determine the cost of goods sold and services rendered in the free market. In a free market, the forces of demand and supply determine the prices.

The Government does not interfere in the determination of the prices. However, in some cases, the Government may intervene in determining the prices. For example, the Government has fixed the minimum selling price for the wheat.

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Changes in Demand

Changes in Supply

Simultaneous changes in Demand and Supply

Features of Perfect Competition

Price Determination under Perfect Competition

Long Run Equilibrium of Competitive Firm and Industry

Monopoly Market

Monopolist’s Revenue Curve

Price Discrimination

Monopolistic Competition


Kinked Demand Curve