Respuesta :


Be prepared to evacuate at a moment’s notice.

If you suspect imminent danger evacuate immediately. Inform affected neighbours if you can, and contact your public works, fire or police department.  

Listen for unusual sounds that might indicate moving debris, such as trees cracking or boulders knocking together.  

If indoors:

Find cover in the part of the building that is the furthest from the approaching landslide.

Take shelter under a strong table or a bench.

Hold on firmly and stay put until all movement has stopped.

If outdoors:

Move quickly away from its likely path, keeping clear of embankments, trees, power lines and poles.

Stay away from the landslide area. The slope may experience additional failures for hours to days afterwards.


Stay away from the slide area. ...
Listen to local radio or television stations for the latest emergency information.
Watch for flooding, which may occur after a landslide or debris flow. ...
Check for injured and trapped persons near the slide, without entering the direct slide area.