suppose that geckos from the mainland colonize two different galápagos islands, daphne major and isabela island. what happens to these two new populations over time? plot the data below to see how each population grows.

Respuesta :

The expected result of the situation described is that geckos that colonize different islands evolve in different ways depending on the conditions of the islands and form new species.

Evolutionary biology is a term to refer to an area of ​​biology that studies the changes in living things through time due to biological evolution, that is, genetic adaptations to the environment. Also, it studies the kinship relationship between species (phylogeny).

This area of ​​biology also focuses on the study of evolutionary processes such as:

  • Natural selection
  • Common ancestor
  • Speciation

One of the most important works on this subject is The Origin of Species (1859) by Charles Darwin. This book presents evidence that Darwin collected on cases of the origin of species through natural selection, or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life.

Another of the main ideas of this work is the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process known as natural selection. He presented evidence that the diversity of life arose from common descent through a branching pattern of evolution.

According to the above, each gecko would be the starting point of a branching of species that will present genetic and phenotypic variations that correspond to adaptations to the environment in which they live.

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