1) variation in the UV spectra in batch culture. Mineral medium (MM) spectrum (dot), 4-CPh 120 mg L−1 (empty diamond), 4-CPh preozonated (filled triangle). Biodegradation of preozonated 4-CPh by a mixed microbial consortium at 30 h (empty square), 62 h (empty inverted triangle), 102 h (empty circle) of culture, respectively. (B) MM spectrum (dot), 2,4-DCPh 120 mg/L (empty diamond), 2,4-DCPh preozonated (filled triangle). Biodegradation of preozonated 2,4-DCPh by a mixed microbial consortium at 30 h (empty square), 72 h (empty inverted triangle), and 191 h of culture, respectively
2) The UV spectrum profiles of the 4-CPh are compared in Fig. 12.5A. The ozonated spectra show only the presence of organic acids (approximately 20% of the initial COD removal), found in the typical wavelength region for these compounds (210 nm)
3) One can note from this table that oxalic and formic acids are the main identified byproducts for all phenols. Also, all phenolic intermediates different from hydroquinone and cathecol were not detected, nor the organic acids that have been reported in other studies