Respuesta :


8000 (B.C .): -- Animals and grain domesticated in the Middle East : the birth of agriculture.

1493:--- Christopher Columbus brings calves, goats, sheep, pigs, hens, citrus, melons and many kinds of vegetables to America.

1585:-- The potato was introduced in Spain from South America.

1607:--- English colonists in Jamestown, Va., planted grain, potatoes, pumpkins, melon, cotton, oranges and pineapples .

1609:---Indians taught the Jamestown settlers how to grow corn .

1731:---Jethro Tull introduced the horse-drawn cultivator and seed drill into English farming.

1783:--- Improved cattle, probably shorthorns, were introduced .

1784:---James Small invented the iron plow in England.

1793:---Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.

Thomas Jefferson invented a moldboard for the plow.

1798:---John (Johnny Appleseed) Chapman planted his first appleseed nursery in western Pennsylvania.

1831:---Cyrus McCormick invented the grain reaper. 1836:---The grain combine was patented.


Hope it helps