PLS FAST!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!! 30 POINTS!! The Zika virus spreads through the bite of infected mosquitos. Many people fight off the infection without any serious harm. However, if pregnant women get infected, the disease can cause serious birth defects.

Conduct research online to determine what social or environmental conditions help protect people against exposure to the Zika virus.

List at least three social or environmental factors that protect people against the negative effects of the Zika virus.
Write a question for another student to answer, focusing on social and environmental conditions that benefit health.

Respuesta :


You see not only poverty, but the environmental degradation, uncollected garbage, discarded tires filled with water, areas of un-drained water. These create habitats for mosquitoes, which then spread deadly viruses.


  • Zika virus disease is generally mild, and severe disease requiring hospitalization and deaths are uncommon.
  • Zika infection during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects and is associated with other pregnancy problems.
  • Rarely, Zika may cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, an uncommon sickness of the nervous system in which a person’s own immune system damages the nerve cells, causing muscle weakness, and sometimes, paralysis.
  • Very rarely, Zika may cause severe disease affecting the brain, causing swelling of the brain or spinal cord or a blood disorder which can result in bleeding, bruising or slow blood clotting.

Have a great day! :D