Answer: Here is my introduction and first slide of this presentation project. I chose beat poetry as my topic, hope this helps anyone who did as well.
In this presentation, I will be speaking on the brave literateurs of the beat generation, and how their efforts as pioneers using poetry as a mode of expressionism, and a recount of their first-hand experiences, has paved the way for the poetry world today.
The Beats, a nationwide group of political poets, sprouted in New York City in the late 1940s. Though, the style of expressionism truly flowered in San Fransico circa 1950. Consisting of troubadours and hippies, "Beatniks" from around the country brought a voice to many topics often silenced. Reciting words of transgression, obscenity, and alienation with a psychedelic drug and sexual liberation bent. Besides their collective rejection of standard narrative values, it was no secret that they had their eyes on the prize; ridding of mainstream culture in America.