1. This symbol, b, is called a _______flat____________________________.
2. When this symbol, b, is next to a note, it _____________________________ the pitch of the note by a
________half _____________________ step.
3. This symbol, B, is called a ___________________________________.
4. When this symbol, B, is next to a note, it _____________________________ the pitch of the note by a _____________________________ step.
5. A _____________________________ step is the smallest distance possible between two adjacent notes/keys. 6. A whole step is made up of _________________ half steps.
Directions: On the line, write whether the pair of notes represents a half step (H) or a whole step (W).

1._______ F to G 2._______ A to Bb 3._______ E to F
4._______ Bb to C 5._______ D to E 6._______ C to D
7._______ Ab to A 8._______ E to F# 9._______ Gb to G#

Directions: Draw a flat sign in front of each note. Then write the names of the notes indicated.
Directions: Draw a sharp sign in front of each note. Then write the names of the notes indicated.

this is music by the way